Friday, March 21, 2008

2008 saw " janes" develop and deliver reykjanesridge debut body of work.
All presented with the joy factor in mind, this project was intended as a audio-sonic gift to the artist's that have shaped and inspired the life of janes himself ...
Titled "Dørcastra" (a tongue in cheek title) these seven bodies/songs , were aimed at seven points of the world globe...and the artist that reside there .
To the north of the ridge...Iceland
To the east...Norway , Sweden , France , London
To the south... Australia
To the west....America
reyk-janes-ridge being the point of conjunct .
All having strong vocal parts and caricaturist qualities of said place's , this debut project will have REYK-JANES-RIDGE one to watch out for in the future.
Currently working on " J?nes " the E.P , R.J.R will have further new release's around the corner.